We use a wide range of experimental tools and techniques to address the question of how people make use of their knowledge of language in real time, and what the nature of that knowledge is.
Current projects include:
- Systematicity and Variation In Word Structure Processing Across Languages: A Neuro-Typology Approach (ESRC Funded project with Christina Manouilidou, Alec Marantz, Dustin Chacón, Rok Zaucer and Samantha Wray)
- Argument Structure and Neurolinguistic Processing (PI: Isabel Oltra Massuet)
- Perception and Production of Prothetic vowels in Spanish-English late bilinguals (with Esther de Leeuw, Karsten Steinhauer, Phaedra Royle, Adib Mehrabi, Elisa Pasoni, and Kathleen McCarthy)
- The learnability of suppletive allomorphy (with Hannah Jane Middleton)
- OASIS | Ontology as structured by the interfaces with semantics: In search of the roots of our reality (PIs: Bridget Copley, Isabelle Roy)
Previous Projects include:
- Mapping the Neural Architecture of Morphological Parsing: Cross-Linguistic Investigations (with Alec Marantz, Christina Manouilidou, Samantha Wray, Laura Gwilliams and Kyriaki Neophytou)
- Learning about the world through generic statements: a cross-linguistic perspective (with Napoleon Katsos and Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga)
- Advancing the European Multilingual Experience (ERC Funded Project, PI: Lisa Cheng)